eclipse - Can't get a Java Spring webapp to deploy to Tomcat -

i've got project in eclipse, .war file inside it. i'm using spring project, of maven too.

i've installed tomcat 8, i'm having trouble deploying webapp tomcat. tomcat runs without errors , console output of launching tomcat looks deploying it, when go localhost displays generic tomcat home page saying have deployed tomcat.

i've tried changing server location use tomcat installation, i've changed location in properties of server not workspace metadata.

when add jars tomcat, click on project, , under it lists spring jar if of relevance.

i don't know else put here @ moment, i'm @ hand respond questions or more info require.


edit: http://localhost:8080, leads me this: tomcat console output is:

each war file have name associated it. when use localhost:8080 url, tomcat use war name root under tomcat/webapps display on browser. default, tomcat have root war comes tomcat bundle. if need open project, need use localhost:8080/<your-war-name> open project's page. alternatively, remove under tomcat/webapps , rename war root able access project pages localhost:8080.


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