ruby on rails - How to create a set of Questions and Subquestions with order? -
i have database of questions , subquestions (which belong 1 question). want subquestions ordered inside each question.
also, want bunch of main questions ordered among themselves. 1 way add order column in question , subquestion table , fill in manually. but, since db can dynamic, not viable option.
so, want is
1. root q1 a. sub1_q1 b. sub1_q2 2. root q2 a. sub2_q1 b. sub2_q2 c. sub2_q3
i have seen gems ancestry
, acts_as_tree
. while possible create parent child relationship there, there no scope order bunch of siblings.
lets assume have question model has many subquestions (subquestion model). , need order questions created_at desc , subquestions created_at asc(in each question).
so models like:
class question < activerecord::base has_many :subquestions, -> { order("created_at asc") } end class subquestion < activerecord::base belongs_to :question end
now do:
@questions = question.order("created_at desc").preload(:subquestions)
this result next query:
select "questions".* "questions" order created_at desc select "subquestions".* "subquestions" "subquestions"."question_id" in (...) order created_at asc
this way when you'll iterating within each question within each subquestion of question, have right order of both - question , subquestion.
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