javascript - AngularJs/ngCordova Custom Build in ionic injection module error -
today went brink of insanity.
my goal include plugin ngcordova (in example: cordova-plugin-device). , little work.
my starting point project ionic tabs, nothing more.
following advice received first go website ngcordova, , build custom-ng cordova.js containing need (by device).
i integrates project location: /www/lib/ngcordova/dist/ng-cordova.js.
i change index.html follows:
... <!-- ionic/angularjs js --> <script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script> <script src="lib/ngcordova/dist/ng-cordova.js"></script> <!-- cordova script (this 404 during development) --> <script src="cordova.js"></script> <!-- app's js --> <script src="js/app.js"></script>...
i made dependency injection in application module this:
angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'starter.controllers', '', 'ngcordova'])
and finally, modify controller "dashctrl" integrate plugin:
.controller('dashctrl', function($ionicplatform, $scope, $cordovadevice) { $ionicplatform.ready(function() { $scope.$apply(function() { // binding not work! :/ // getting device infor $cordovadevice var device = $cordovadevice.getdevice(); $scope.manufacturer = device.manufacturer; $scope.model = device.model; $scope.platform = device.platform; $scope.uuid = device.uuid; }); }); })
and error in browser (under ripple):
uncaught error: [$ injector: modulerr] failed instantiate starter unit due to: error: [$ injector: modulerr] failed instantiate ngcordova module due to: error: [$ injector: modulerr] failed instantiate ngcordova.plugins module due to: error: [$ injector: modulerr] failed instantiate module device due to: error: [$ injector: nomod] module 'device' not available! either misspelled name or forgot load module. if unit registering assurer specify dependencies second argument.
the strange thing that, without touching in code, if a:
bower install ngcordova --save
it downloads full version of ngcordova, , there, works perfectly.
i not see mistake. hope among me understand.
thank time took read message , time take answer (and sorry broken english).
it bug in build system.
open ngcordova.js file , change
angular.module('ngcordova.plugins', [ 'device' ]);
angular.module('ngcordova.plugins', [ 'ngcordova.plugins.device' ]);
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