ios - Custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout animation -

i've got custom uicollectionviewflowlayout animation staggers views in right insertions , out left deletions. setting cabasicanimation on uicollectionviewlayoutattributes , applying cell layer.

screen grab

collectionviewanimations project on github

the default alpha 0 , fading out cells , ending custom animation early. if change alpha 1 don't see animation @ all. set @ 0.5 , bit of both.... it's weird. you'd have run project see mean.


for reason, can't seem remove default alpha on attributes in finallayoutattributesfordisappearingitematindexpath.

anyone got ideas?

you're using performbatchupdates(_:completion:) animates changes set in finallayoutattributesfordisappearingitematindexpath(_:), if add cabasicanimation you're adding animation animation that's gonna happen. if drop animation celllayoutattributes , set transform3d of uicollectionviewlayoutattributes it's gonna want (except animation begintime , fillmode). piece of code works me:

override func finallayoutattributesfordisappearingitematindexpath(itemindexpath: nsindexpath) -> uicollectionviewlayoutattributes? {     let attributes: celllayoutattributes = super.finallayoutattributesfordisappearingitematindexpath(itemindexpath) as! celllayoutattributes     // default 0, if set 1.0 don't see happen..'     attributes.alpha = 1     let endx = -cgrectgetwidth(self.collectionview!.frame)     var endtransform: catransform3d = catransform3dmaketranslation(endx, 0, 0)     attributes.transform3d = endtransform      return attributes }  


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