Comments Listview in Android -
i have activity contains different items, 1 of item listview. created custom list adapter , sending json array. data list arrives server.
the list purpose make comments list. allowed user insert comment , show in listview. when have items in list works, , items shown. problem when listview empty , user post comment. see that data changed don't see item, means list not refreshed..
so tried add listview empty view doesn't work.
here updated code: (update)
if (!s.isempty() && !s.equals("{}")) { try { if (commentslistadapter == null) { commentslist.setemptyview(findviewbyid(; commentslistadapter = new commentslistadapter(postview.this); } jsonobject resobj = new jsonobject(s); list.add(resobj); commentslistadapter.setdataset(list); cmnttxt.settext(""); inputmanager.hidesoftinputfromwindow(getcurrentfocus().getwindowtoken(), inputmethodmanager.hide_not_always); commentcounter.settext(integer.tostring(list.size())); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } }
and inside adapter have function:
public void setdataset(list<jsonobject> list){ commentslist = list; notifydatasetchanged(); }
but problem not fixed..
i notice code list.add(resobj)
appears after new commentslistadapter
when list empty , appears before new commentslistadapter
when list not empty.
i suspect adapter commentslistadapter
not using object list
data storage. in case, need make public method in adapter make updates. words, adapter using object data storage.
it may post code commentslistadapter also. hope correct statements. hope clear...
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