scala - Retrieve typed stored values from Map -
i'd put data hashmap , retrieve these typed values using function. function takes expected type , default value in case value not stored in hashmap. type erasure of jvm makes tricky thing.
q: how can retrieve typed value?
code , results below.
abstract class parameters(val name: string) { val parameters = new hashmap[string, any]() def put(key: string, value: any) = parameters(key) = value def get(key: string) = parameters.getorelse(key, none) def remove(key: string) = parameters.remove(key) def g0[t: typetag](key: string, defaultvalue: t) = { get(key) match { case x: t => x case none => defaultvalue case _ => defaultvalue } } def g1[t: classtag](key: string, defaultvalue: t) = { val compareclass = implicitly[classtag[t]].runtimeclass get(key) match { case none => defaultvalue case x if compareclass.isinstance(x) => x.asinstanceof[t] } } } class p extends parameters("aparmlist") { put("1", 1) put("3", "three") put("4", 4.0) put("width", 600) println(g0[int]("width", -1)) println(g0[int]("fail", -2)) println(g1[int]("width", -3)) println(g1[int]("fail", -4)) } object typematching { def main(args: array[string]) { new p } }
the output (comments in parenthesis): 600 (as expected) none (expected -2) , match error (java.lang.integer stored, int required)
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