ReactJS Server Side rendering click event won't fire -

i have code compiled server side node-jsx click events not fire. being novice can't figure out missed

/** @jsx react.dom */  var react = require('react/addons') var mui = require('material-ui'); var thememanager = new mui.styles.thememanager(); var injecttapeventplugin = require("react-tap-event-plugin");  var unydentapp = react.createclass({      childcontexttypes: {     muitheme: react.proptypes.object       },      getchildcontext: function() {         return {           muitheme: thememanager.getcurrenttheme()         };       },      componentdidmount: function () {        },      render: function () {         var menuitems = [           { route: 'home', text: 'home' },           { route: 'about', text: 'about' },         ];          return (           <div id="uny-dent">             <mui.leftnav               ref='leftnav'               menuitems={menuitems}               docked={false} />             <mui.appbar                 title="unydent" onmenuiconbuttontouchtap={ this._handleclick }/>           </div>         )       },      _handleclick: function()       {         alert('ok');       },      togglenav: function(e){         e.preventdefault();         alert();         this.refs.leftnav.toggle();       }   });  /* module.exports instead of normal dom mounting */ module.exports = unydentapp; 

it looks you're attempting commonly referred "isomorphic react". differs rendering react template server-side (resulting in rendered static page) in supports "mounting" react component(s) client-side (resulting in rendered dynamic page).

right you're doing former, , therefore react isn't running client-side, click-event isn't "wired up". there several different solutions isomorphic react. here's 1 in particular paypal team:


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