c - Taking File Inputs in OpenCL? -
i'm new opencl, , i'm curious how read in data input perform simple operations (e.g. cross/dot product) on.
for particular example, i've compiled , trying run simple sample code calculate 3d dot product vectors: https://github.com/mattscar/opencl_dot_product
however, i'm not sure how format input code. in following code snippet:
/* create program file */ program = clcreateprogramwithsource(ctx, 1, (const char**)&program_buffer, &program_size, &err); if(err < 0) { perror("couldn't create program"); exit(1); }
clcreateprogramwithsource appears operate on context ctx, don't know how assign context file on hard drive read test vector data from. going right way?
one approach follows:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __apple__ #include <opencl/opencl.h> #else #include <cl/cl.h> #endif int main() { cl_platform_id platform; cl_device_id device; cl_context context; cl_program program; file* programhandle; size_t programsize, kernelsourcesize; char *programbuffer, *kernelsource; // first available platform , gpu , create context clgetplatformids(1, &platform, null); clgetdeviceids(platform, cl_device_type_gpu, 1, &device, null); context = clcreatecontext(null, 1, &device, null, null, null); // size of kernel source programhandle = fopen("kernel.cl", "r"); fseek(programhandle, 0, seek_end); programsize = ftell(programhandle); rewind(programhandle); // read kernel source buffer programbuffer = (char*) malloc(programsize + 1); programbuffer[programsize] = '\0'; fread(programbuffer, sizeof(char), programsize, programhandle); fclose(programhandle); // create program buffer program = clcreateprogramwithsource(context, 1, (const char**) &programbuffer, &programsize, null); free(programbuffer); // read kernel source in program check clgetprograminfo(program, cl_program_source, 0, null, &kernelsourcesize); kernelsource = (char*) malloc(kernelsourcesize); clgetprograminfo(program, cl_program_source, kernelsourcesize, kernelsource, null); printf("nkernel source:nn%sn", kernelsource); free(kernelsource); clreleasecontext(context); return 0; }
courtesy of http://dhruba.name/2012/08/16/opencl-cookbook-creating-programs-and-reading-kernels-from-a-file/
specifically part :
// size of kernel source programhandle = fopen("kernel.cl", "r"); fseek(programhandle, 0, seek_end); programsize = ftell(programhandle); rewind(programhandle); // read kernel source buffer programbuffer = (char*) malloc(programsize + 1); programbuffer[programsize] = '\0'; fread(programbuffer, sizeof(char), programsize, programhandle); fclose(programhandle); // create program buffer program = clcreateprogramwithsource(context, 1, (const char**) &programbuffer, &programsize, null); free(programbuffer);
you need know size of you're reading, seek end
fseek(programhandle, 0, seek_end);
then position
programsize = ftell(programhandle);
which should size.
then rewind reset file position.
it's important allocate enough memory store entire program + null terminator have add yourself.
read file allocated space, set it's last index null.
programbuffer = (char*) malloc(programsize + 1); programbuffer[programsize] = '\0';
read in code , close file.
fread(programbuffer, sizeof(char), programsize, programhandle); fclose(programhandle);
now have 1 row of code, thats count, know size of 1 line, thats length. , null indicate it's null terminated. done.
program = clcreateprogramwithsource(context, 1, (const char**) &programbuffer, &programsize, null); free(programbuffer);
don't forget release program buffer when youre done.
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