azure - Unable to publish node.js app from VS2015 using VS publish -
i’ve got node.js project i’m using publish azure. worked fine first couple of times i’ve published, when try , publish fails no error message. output in azure service activity window in vs2015 simply:
auto connectionstring transformed web.config obj\release\csautoparameterize\transformed\web.config. copying files temporary location below package/publish: obj\release\package\packagetmp.
and output ouput/build window is:
------ publish started: project: node, configuration: release cpu ------ auto connectionstring transformed web.config obj\release\csautoparameterize\transformed\web.config. copying files temporary location below package/publish: obj\release\package\packagetmp. ========== build: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== ========== publish: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
i don’t know start diagnosing there no error message per se. things i’ve tried far:
- full clean and/or rebuild
- deleted folders bin directory
- deleted folders obj directory
- tried both debug , release configurations
- deleting publish profile vs , re-adding scratch
none of above has made difference has seen issue before or suggest start diagnosing cause?
do happen have ghostdoc installed?
uninstalling fixed me after seeing this issue.
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