javascript - Kill Process in windows when the download speed drops -
i looking code in instance powershell/cmd kill process when download speed goes below 5 mbps.
the situation using vlc mediaplayer live broadcasting. happens broadcast goes down or starts having hickups.
the solution restart. restart when complains not being able connect.
i looking script/code monitor process , automatically restart/kill when download speed goes below level or isn't consistent.
implying vlc reads content disk , speed matches outbound network speed can use disk read speed process performance counter measured 1 second:
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set limit=500000 set process=vlc :loop set line=0 /f "delims=, tokens=2" %%a in ('typeperf -sc 1 "\process(%process%)\io read bytes/sec"') ( set /a line+=1 if !line!==2 ( set speed=%%a set speed=!speed:"=! /f "delims=. tokens=1" %%b in ("!speed!") set speed=%%b if !speed! lss %limit% ( taskkill /f /im %process%.exe call run-vlc.bat ) ) ) goto loop
assuming 5mbps 500kbps limit
set accordingly 500000
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