javascript - Access to iframe Object.prototype in IE8 -

i have iframe element on page , need create prototype methods object inside iframe.

i got iframe window

var win = iframe.contentwindow || iframe.contentdocument.defaultview; 

and tried create methods. in ff, chrome , ie9+ it's simple:

win.object.prototype.func = myfunc; 

but doesn't work in ie8. got undefined in win.object. @ same time win.element works perfectly.

how can iframe object in ie8 ?

you can insert script element in iframe creates global variable in outer window points inner object:

var doc = iframe.contentdocument,     s = doc.createelement('script'); s.text = "parent.object2 = object;"; doc.appendchild(s); doc.removechild(s); 

then, can use object2.prototype.


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