cin - C++ not taking all inputs -

i creating simple c++ program. users input string .my program running fine when enter name space console skip next input here code.

#include <iostream>  using namespace std; // program can see cout , endl  class etradehouse {    private:     string cnic,name,fname, dob,qua, des,join_date , number , address;     int sal;      public:      void getdata(){     cout<<"\nplease enter national identity card number : \n";     cin >>cnic ;     cout<<"please enter name: \n";    cin >> name;     cout<<"please enter father name : \n";    cin >> fname;     cout<<"please enter date of birth : \n";    cin >> dob;     cout<<"please enter qualification : \n";    cin >> qua;     cout<<"please enter designation : \n";    cin >> des;    } }; // class ends here  int main() {  etradehouse obj;   obj.getdata();    } 

it not skipping, stops reading after encountering space.

use std::getline(std::cin, name);


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