ruby - How to use namespace in rails without namespace in url -
i have question routes in rails when using namespaces. example code:
namespace :api # /api/... api:: namespace :v1 devise_for :users, :controllers => {sessions: 'api/v1/users/sessions', :registrations => "api/v1/users/registrations", :password => 'api/v1/users/passwords'} resources :events namespace :informations resources :agendas resources :attendees resources :polls resources :presentatios resources :speakers resources :sponsors resources :votes resources :vote_options end end end end
i check url in console grep agenda, , results in:
how can remove namespace information url without removing namespace routes?
you can use module option add namespace (as in module wrapping) controllers:
resources :events, module: 'v1/api'
prefix verb uri pattern controller#action events /events(.:format) v1/api/events#index post /events(.:format) v1/api/events#create new_event /events/new(.:format) v1/api/events#new edit_event /events/:id/edit(.:format) v1/api/events#edit event /events/:id(.:format) v1/api/events#show patch /events/:id(.:format) v1/api/events#update put /events/:id(.:format) v1/api/events#update delete /events/:id(.:format) v1/api/events#destroy
but makes no sense use versioned api controller without versioned urls! unless believe in either using custom request header or custom accept type. both of had diehard rest purist followers scarce due the fact dang difficult test.
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