c# - Azure CDN endpoint giving 502 bad gateway with https -
i setup azure cdn endpoint. pointed origin server. works http protocol. same files when try https - returns 502 - bad gateway error. how troubleshoot , fix problem?
a similar setup works on endpoint https.
i think may need serve cdn assets on https. you'll need enable https within azure portal
if still not then:
you can't yet use own domain/ssl certificate azure cdn although there big request on azure feedback site.
if you've created cdn azure cloud service (e.g. http://[yourapp].cloudapp.net/cdn/) it's important create self-signed certificate azure domain ([yourapp].cloudapp.net). if you're using azure virtual machines can done through iis.
this caught out when enabled https origin server did have ssl certificate our own custom domain , not *.cloudapp.net one.
for details click on http://benfoster.io/blog/azure-cdn-https
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