c# - All regex testers say pattern works but when in code it doesn't -
i have tested pattern in regex101 & regexpr , both show working well, when put in c# code, allows incorrect strings.
pattern appears in code:
should match dms latitude degree between 40 , 46 or 115 , 125 43°34'45.54"
it should not allow letter f , when use online tester, works fine, when put in code, says match.
here c# code:
var patternlist = new[] { @"^-?([14])$", // matches 1 or 4 @"^-?((4[0-6])|(11[5-9]?|12[0-5]?))([\s\.])([0-9]{1,10})$" // decimal -- matches 40-46 or 115-125 period (.) number 10 places @"^-?((4[0-6])|(11[5-9]?|12[0-5]?))?(°[0-5][0-9]?)?([\s'])?([0-5][0-9]?)?([\s""\.])?", // matches full dms optional decimal on second - 43°34'45.54" }; bool ismatch = false; foreach( var p in patternlist ) { ismatch = regex.ismatch(searchstring, p); } if (!ismatch) { throw new applicationexception( "please check input. format not match accepted lat/long pattern, or range outside oregon"); }
two problems noticed. first last expression doesn't account end of string. corrected candidate expression:
...with tweak @ end:
([\s""\.][0-9]+)?"$ # optional decimal places, plus ", , nothing more.
second, foreach loop should adjusted thusly:
foreach( var p in patternlist ) if(regex.ismatch(searchstring, p)) { ismatch = true; //exit foreach loop break; }
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