jquery - What specifically is wrong with the JavaScript that I've provided? -
i new javascript, have prior experience front-end development whole. attempting have js iterate on list provided , display results on site. each item displayed once before moving onto next in list. when reaches end, last item permanently displayed. using textillate js library.
what's wrong code?
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> var title-transitions = [ "create solutions", "build relationships", "design brands", "redifine excellence" ], transitioncounter = 0, looped = false, textillatesettings ={ loop:false, in:{ callback:fucntion(){ if(!looped) $('h1.introduction-heading').fadeout(3800); } } }; var $h1 = $('h1.introduction-heading'); $h1.introduction-heading(textillatesettings); var animationhero = set interval(function(){ transitioncounter = (transitioncounter == transition.legnth -1) ? 0 : transitioncounter + 1; if(transitioncounter == 0){ looped = true; clearinterval(animatedhero); } $('h1.introduction-heading').remove(); $('h1.introduction-heading') .text(transition[transitioncounter]) .textillate(textillatesettings); }, 6000); </script>
here url textillate site, if of assistance.
there quite few problems code, i'll answer obvious syntax breaking ones first, , once fix perhaps have go.
callback: fucntion(){ if(!looped) $('h1.introduction-heading').fadeout(3800); }
^ misspell of 'function'
^ this? you've selected element class name, if want apply textillate text
$h1 = $('.introduction-heading'); $h1.textillate(textillatesettings);
and finally:
var animationhero = set interval(function(){
the method want call setinterval
1 word
hopefully these obvious issues should closer solution. try careful cleaning syntax. :)
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