android - SharedPreferences - CastException: HashSet cannot be cast to TreeSet -
i trying store treeset
in sharedpreferences
using following code:
set<string> chemicalvaluesset = new treeset<>(); chemicalvaluesset.add("id: " + checkfornull(jsonchemicalvalues.getstring("id"))); editor.putstringset(sp_chemical_values, chemicalvaluesset); editor.apply();
however, when try access treeset
getting casting error, if set declared hashset
sharedpreferences sharedpreferences = getsharedpreferences(shared_preferences, context.mode_private); treeset<string> chemicalvalues = (treeset<string>) sharedpreferences.getstringset(sp_chemical_values, null);
i have no clue solving issue. in addition, when started writing part setting chemicalvaluesset hashset
, retrieving without problems, afterwards decided go treeset
s. that's why have tried cleaning , restarting project, still same issues persists.
however, if change type hashset
in part retrieve set, works without complaining.
you're making false assumptions on how sharedpreferences , editor works. api never guarantees set when calling getstringset()
same, or same implementation, 1 stored when calling putstringset()
. says can pass set, , can set.
if api documentation says returns set, should not assume it's returning treeset, or hashset. it's returning set. if absolutely need treeset, create 1 , copy items returned set treeset.
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