vb.net - How to add image to label in ASP.net (VB) -

i want show arrow , down arrow in aspx web page's label according condition

if successrate > x         result = "uparrow"     elseif successrate < x         result = "down"     else : result = "samearrow"     end if 

and got idea implement in windows form using method dont know how implement in webpage please let me know there way show , down arrow or me change codes in web page

private sub uparrow()     img = image.fromfile("c:\uparrow.jpg")     label1.image = img end sub 

add html "img" element asp.net label's text property shown below. works.

    string imagepath = "http://localhost:51746/website1/tulips.jpg";     label1.text = string.format("<img src='{0}' style='height:100px;width:100px;'/>", imagepath); 


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