sql - How can I join 2 different counts of the same table together? -
the table i'm working on records of answers amount of questions. want find out percentage of people said 'yes, definitely' provider 23 in question 470,477,479,481,483. tried count total number of answers , 'yes, definitely' answers. can them separately fail join them in 1 table.
one query total counts of records in table surveyanswerfact.
select surveyquestionkey, count(1) [warehouse].[dbo].[surveyanswerfact] ([providerkey] = 23) , ([surveyquestionkey] in (470,477,479,481,483)) , ([response] = 'yes, definitely') , ([responsedatekey] between 20140601 , 20150531) group surveyquestionkey
470 44 477 40 479 43 481 43 483 44
another query counts of answers 'yes, definitely'
select surveyquestionkey, count(1) [warehouse].[dbo].[surveyanswerfact] (providerkey = 23) , (surveyquestionkey in (470,477,479,481,483)) , ([responsedatekey] between 20140601 , 20150531) group surveyquestionkey
470 43 477 39 479 35 481 42 483 39
i tried join them using sql, results same first query's results. expected result this:
470 43 44 477 39 40 479 35 43 481 42 43 483 39 44
can teach me correct way join them?
maybe mean...
all did eliminate clause on response , added select , group by.
select surveyquestionkey, response, count(1) [warehouse].[dbo].[surveyanswerfact] ([providerkey] = 23) , ([surveyquestionkey] in (470,477,479,481,483)) , ([responsedatekey] between 20140601 , 20150531) group surveyquestionkey, response
--------------update based on new info---------
there's few ways this. use case statement
select surveyquestionkey, count(1) totalcount, sum(case when response = 'yes, definitely' 1 else 0 end) [yes def] [warehouse].[dbo].[surveyanswerfact] ([providerkey] = 23) , ([surveyquestionkey] in (470,477,479,481,483)) , ([responsedatekey] between 20140601 , 20150531) group surveyquestionkey
another way join tables suggest has more overhead. (this uses common table each query make join easier read.)
with totalcount (select surveyquestionkey, count(1) cnt [warehouse].[dbo].[surveyanswerfact] ([providerkey] = 23) , ([surveyquestionkey] in (470,477,479,481,483)) , ([response] = 'yes, definitely') , ([responsedatekey] between 20140601 , 20150531) group surveyquestionkey), yesdefcount (select surveyquestionkey, count(1) cnt [warehouse].[dbo].[surveyanswerfact] ([providerkey] = 23) , ([surveyquestionkey] in (470,477,479,481,483)) , ([responsedatekey] between 20140601 , 20150531) group surveyquestionkey) select surveyquestionkey, totalcount.cnt, yesdefcount.count totalcount left join yesdefcount b on a.surveyquestionkey = b.surveyquestionkey;
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