Angularjs data binding when passing a reference? -
sometimes, when 2 variables refer same variable, not binding this:
var option = 1; $scope.a = option; $scope.b = option;
when change $scope.a, $scope.b not change. see plunker
however, binding together, example happens me in modal this:
angular.module('plunker', ['ui.bootstrap']); var modaldemoctrl = function($scope, $modal, $log) { $scope.testdataarray = [{ "name": "doe" }, { "name": "deer" }, { "name": "female" }]; $ = function(testdata) { var modalinstance = ${ templateurl: 'mymodalcontent.html', controller: modalinstancectrl, resolve: { data: function() { return testdata; } } }); modalinstance.result.then(function(selecteditem) { $scope.scopedata = selecteditem; }, function() { $'modal dismissed at: ' + new date()); }); }; }; // please note $modalinstance represents modal window (instance) dependency. // not same $modal service used above. var modalinstancectrl = function($scope, $modalinstance, data) { $scope.modaldata1 = data; $scope.modaldata2 = data; $scope.ok = function() { $modalinstance.close($scope.modaldata); }; $scope.cancel = function() { $modalinstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; };
see plunker. here "modaldata1" , "modaldata2" both referring "data". in modal of plunker, change modaldata1, modaldata2 changes it.
why this??
thank you!
should copy element, because since javascript pass-by-reference both of variables (references) in fact pointing same object. if want remove side effect have copy object before assigning:
$scope.modaldata1 = angular.copy(data); $scope.modaldata2 = angular.copy(data);
original answer:
in example you've provided modaldata2 input changing modaldata1, because have same model assigned in ng-model attribute:
<div class="modal-body"> modaldata1: <input ng-model="modaldata1" /> <br> modaldata2: <input ng-model="modaldata1" /> </div>
when fix it, independent (plunker):
<div class="modal-body"> modaldata1: <input ng-model="modaldata1" /> <br> modaldata2: <input ng-model="modaldata2" /> </div>
then when update modaldata1 input, other not change.
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