locking - How to find out table lock or row lock in Sybase -

i have stored procedure in sybase, it's called java code on row row insertion, how find out whether sp locking table or locking row? check underlying table properties or sp itself?

create procedure dbo.sp1 (@id_code             varchar(10),   @position_id         numeric(10,0)  output ) begin     begin transaction      insert abc..table1(             id_code,             position_id         )         values (             @id_code             @position_id         )             commit      select @position_id = @@identity     end go exec sp_procxmode 'dbo.sp1', 'unchained' go if object_id('dbo.sp1') not null     print '<<< created procedure dbo.sp1 >>>' else     print '<<< failed creating procedure dbo.sp1 >>>' 

the lock scheme table can determined using lockscheme() built in command.


you can specify obj_id , dbid.

ase 16 documentation: lockscheme


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