How to write single line scala codes? -
i'm new scala , i've written piece of code takes employee file(empid, name, age, salary, department) input , prints out department , total salary in department.
it novice code. how shorten code? please
object usingcollectionmaps { def main(a: array[string]) { val filename = "employee.txt" var map =[string,long]() var sal: long = 0 (line <- source.fromfile(filename).getlines()) { val fields = line.split(",") if (map.contains(fields(4))) { map.put(fields(4), (map(fields(4)) + fields(3).tolong)) } else { map.put(fields(4), fields(3).tolong) } } println(map) } }
i try avoid mutable structures , make sense of file, part case class. after that, use of groupby , sum.
import case class employee(empid: string, name: string, age: int, salary: long, department: int) source.fromfile("somefile.txt") .getlines() .map( _.split(",") ) .map( l => employee(l(0), l(1), l(2).toint, l(3).tolong, l(4).toint) ) .toseq .groupby( _.department ) .mapvalues( _.salary ).sum )
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