angularjs - Use filter input to search globally on server in angular ui-grid -
i using angular ui-grid display data.
i want use ui-grid's filter input used global search box. in, when type in filter input should make api call server.
i have similar on single column in grid. column has attribute "useexternalfiltering: true".
from columndefs
{ name: 'myfieldname', displayname: 'column name', useexternalfiltering: true, filter: { condition: uigridconstants.filter.contains }, },
then in controller have
$scope.gridoptions.onregisterapi = function (gridapi) { $scope.gridapi = gridapi; $scope.gridapi.core.on.filterchanged($scope, function () { var grid = this.grid; var columnindex = 1; // index of column want work var termfrommycolumnofinterest = grid.columns[columnindex].filters[0].term; $scope.loaddata(termfrommycolumnofinterest); $scope.gridapi.core.notifydatachange(uigridconstants.datachange.all); } } $scope.loaddata = function (term) { $q.all([ your_service_call(term).$promise ]) .then(function (data) { $ = data[0]; }, function () { $ = []; // handle error }); };
i hope helpful. simpler example, see
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