ios - GoogleMaps without CocoaPods -

i add googlemaps ios project don't want use cocoapods. there way achieve that?

sure there is:

how did (useful library need)

  • go pod need, in case:
  • click on "see podspec" link below library on bottom right corner
  • you gonna taken podspec.json
  • at end of json, find key "source" , use url provided download sdk.

if need instructions on how install manually, can use waybackmachine websitea , put corresponding url, setting earlier date. i'll save time:

adding google maps old way:

  1. launch xcode , either open existing project, or create new project.
    • if you're new ios, create a single view application, , ensure that use automatic reference counting is on.
  2. drag the googlemaps.framework bundle project. when prompted, select copy items destination group's folder.
  3. right-click googlemaps.framework in project, , select show in finder.
  4. drag the googlemaps.bundle from the resources folder project. when prompted, ensure copy items destination group's folder is not selected.
  5. select project project navigator, , choose application's target.
  6. open the build phases tab, , within link binary libraries, add following frameworks:
    • avfoundation.framework
    • coredata.framework
    • corelocation.framework
    • coretext.framework
    • glkit.framework
    • imageio.framework
    • libc++.dylib
    • libicucore.dylib
    • libz.dylib
    • opengles.framework
    • quartzcore.framework
    • systemconfiguration.framework
  7. choose project, rather specific target, , open the build settings tab.
    • in the other linker flags section, add -objc. if these settings not visible, change filter in the build settings bar from basic to all.
  8. finally, add api key your appdelegate.
    • #import <googlemaps/googlemaps.h>
    • add following your application:didfinishlaunchingwithoptions: method, replacing api_key with api key. [gmsservices provideapikey:@"api_key"];

#import <googlemaps/googlemaps.h>

add following application:didfinishlaunchingwithoptions: method, replacing api_key api key.

[gmsservices provideapikey:@"api_key"]; 


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