SQL Server Invalid Column Name Error -
i have invalid column name error when inserting record sql server table. here's definition:
create table [dbo].[mytable] ( [id] int identity(1, 1) not null, [person_name] varchar(255) not null, [modified_by] varchar(255) not null ) on [primary] (data_compression = none); go
and insert
insert mydb.dbo.mytable (id, person_name, modified_by) values (1, 'aishwarya', 'admin')
but following error upon execution:
lookup error - sql server database error: invalid column name 'modified_by'.
i can select
column fine. thing i've noticed in error "by" capitalized, contrary table definition. ideas?
update: updating syntax errors, apologeez
is database set case sensitive collation? can check running query:
select databasepropertyex('<insert database name>', 'collation') sqlcollation;
case insensitive collations have ci in name, such sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as
where case sensitive collation might latin1_general_bin
if database has case sensitive collation, capitalization in t-sql must match column definition.
your post here doesn't include modified_by
capitalization in insert statement, double check that. if it's capitalized there properly, check if there triggers on table might have improper spelling.
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