excel - Remove object required message in cancel option of inputbox -
is there way remove error message(object required message) pops out input box whenever user presses cancel button?
sub workingduofunctioncode() dim rng range, inp range 'to remove 0 values may result of formula or direct entry. set inp = selection inp.interior.colorindex = 37 set rng = application.inputbox("copy to", type:=8) rng.parent.activate rng.select inp.copy worksheets("sheet2").paste link:=true each cell in range("a1:cl9935") if cell.value = "0" cell.clear next end sub
not quite sure why using inputbox, don't use in code.
this should take care of errors.
sub workingduofunctioncode() dim rng range, inp range 'to remove 0 values may result of formula or direct entry. set rng = nothing set inp = selection inp.interior.colorindex = 37 on error resume next set rng = application.inputbox("copy to", type:=8) on error goto 0 if typename(rng) <> "range" msgbox "cancelled...", vbinformation exit sub else rng.parent.activate rng.select inp.copy worksheets("sheet2").paste link:=true end if each cell in range("a1:cl9935") if cell.value = "0" cell.clear next application.cutcopymode = 0 end sub
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