php - Building dynamic queries which contains between clause -

i need generate dynamic queries in program based on search criteria. commonly using following method. need add between clause this.

$firstname = 'aaa'; $lastname = 'bbb'; $fromdate = '2015-01-01'; $todate = '2015-01-31'; $query = 'select * users'; $cond = array(); $params = array(); if (!empty($firstname)) {     $cond[] = "firstname = ?";     $params[] = $firstname; } if (!empty($lastname)) {     $cond[] = "lastname = ?";     $params[] = $lastname; } if (!empty($fromdate) && !empty($todate)) {     // here need add between $fromdate , $todate } if (count($cond)) {     $query .= ' ' . implode(' , ', $cond); } $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); 

is there way add between clause code?

just add clause before executing.

if (count($cond)) {     $query .= ' ' . implode(' , ', $cond); } if (!empty($fromdate) && !empty($todate)) {     $query .= ' col_field between ? , ?';     $params[]= $fromdate;     $params[]= $todate; } $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); 


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