OpenErp(Odoo) How to add custom analysis on reporting Tab -

i need make summery of raw materials used, qualty of products ,final products status . . . for each manufactureing process , provide information on reporing tab sales anlysis , purchase analysis . . . how can this? , insights requirment?

create module custom analysis report. explain how sales analysis report created. using create own analysis report.


  1. create module report in addons folder. can use following link details creating module how create odoo module

  2. create python file in module , import in file. in file create model based on postgresql view. add method init(self, cr) creates postgresql view matching fields declared in _columns. can check in file in report folder of sale module. create fields needed in _columns , write query in init method getting values these fields.

    specify parameter _auto=false openerp object, no table corresponding _columns dictionary created automatically.

    for model data taken view defined in init method of model. value each field calculated dynamically, @ time click on menuitem sales analysis report in reporting tab. aliases in select query of view creation field names of model sale_report. example in select query can find uom_id product_uom product_uom column in model sale_report.

  3. define views. create xml file in report folder of module. can use sale_report_view.xml file in sale module reference. create xml view model, including tree view, search view , graph view. in tree view, there attribute in <tree> tag create="false". used hiding create button in tree view. create action , menuitem view in sales analysis report.

  4. restart server , upgrade module.

compare report sales analysis reportto solve issues.


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