peoplesoft - schedule backup through PS_QUERY PeopleTools 8.49 and through cron/bath job -

i have 2 question ist 1 how take backup of tables , schedule through pt 8.49 ps_query , 2nd how schedule backup client side through cron backup script datamover using taking manual backup are:-

    • set no trace;
    • set log d:\backup_prod\backup_6tables_28 july2015 cu.log;
    • set output d:\backup_prod\backup_6tables_28 july2015cu.dat;

    • "adm appl tbls" export adm_appl_prog emplid 'uf15%';

    • export adm_appl_plan emplid 'uf15%' ;

    • export adm_appl_sbplan emplid 'uf15%' ;

    • export adm_app_car_seq emplid 'uf15%' ;

    • export adm_appl_data emplid like'uf15%' ;
    • export ps_sad_std_app_nld emplid 'uf15%' ;

you can execute dms scripts via command line. create script executes via schedule whichever operating system on.

psdmtx -ct dbtype [-cs server] -cd database_name -co user_id -cp user_password[-ci connect_id -cw connect_password] [-i process_instance] -fp dms_filepath


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