c# - Get file from RESW resource -

i have encountered problem retrieving file resw file.

my project structure:

  • levels
    • level1.xml
    • level2.xml
    • level3.xml
  • resources
    • levelresources.resw

and files "levels" directory added "levelresources.resw".

my try retrieve content of files:

var resourcesloader = new resourceloader("levelresources"); var item = resourcesloader.getstring("level1"); 

but value of "item" is"

..\levels\level1.xml;system.string, system.runtime, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03g5f6f12d40a6a;windows-1250

why? not expected (content of file). how retrieve content than?

the resourceloader class provides simplified access app resources such app ui strings.

when dragging file resource file, data stored file reference rather content, that’s why result “level1.xml;system.string...”. recommend way, suggest putting file name key , file content value in *resw file can use resourceloader content easily.


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