ios - "unexpectedly found nil" - delegate assignment in subVC -
i have been stuck on past few days -
ui class instance - declare calculatorviewdatasource protocol outside of graphview
class, contain weak var calcdatasource: calculatorviewdatasource?
in it.
in graphviewcontroller, in didset{} of graphview outlet try set delegate assume existing calculatorviewcontroller using following code:
if let vc = splitviewcontroller?.viewcontrollers { println(vc) println(vc.count) if let fst = vc.first { println(fst.subviews) println(fst.subviews.first) } } graphview.calcdatasource = splitviewcontroller!.viewcontrollers.first!.subviews.first calculatorviewcontroller
the code compile, crash "unexpectedly found nil" when assignment of graphview.calcdatasource
[<uinavigationcontroller: 0x7b71bd10>] 1 nil fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping optional value
splitviewcontroller - navigationcontroller - (master) calculatorviewcontroller navigationcontroller - (detail) graphviewcontroller`
- is syntax or assignment wrong?
- i trying delegate masterview of uisplitview detail, should try set delegate in masterview? assume detail / graphview exists? (this seem (errors creating delegate uisplitviewdetail master in swift) hints at)
i worked around issue working inside prepareforsegue (with storyboard segue on button called "show graph")
//calculatorviewcontroller.swift: override func prepareforsegue(segue: uistoryboardsegue?, sender: anyobject!) { if (segue!.identifier == "show graph") { var yournextviewcontroller = (segue!.destinationviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller) var detail = yournextviewcontroller.viewcontrollers[0] graphviewcontroller var tempview = detail.view // forces view object existence, without compile, next line crash @ runtime (graphview nil) detail.graphview.calcdatasource = self } }
note var tempview = detail.view
critical here, despite not being used. understand setting view , outlet..
how (safely) unwrap optionals:
graphview.calcdatasource = splitviewcontroller!.viewcontrollers.first!.subviews.first calculatorviewcontroller if let vc = splitviewcontroller?.viewcontrollers { println(vc) if let fst = vc.first { println(fst.subviews) println(fst.subviews.first) } }
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