webdriver - Check for email id in a text in java -
i using java write appium test script & want compare 2 emails, before comparison have fetch email id text splitting string. ex: have text in application "your account email associated pankaj@gmail.com" want split & capture email id text & compare other email id showing in text box. how can ?? doing this:
webelement email_id= driver.findelement(by.xpath("//uiaapplication[1]/uiawindow[1]/uiatextfield[1]")); string edit_email=email_id.gettext(); system.out.println(edit_email);
but getting full text.how can split it.
you should try regular expression using java.util.regex.pattern
, java.util.regex.matcher
. have prepared snippet finds email ids given chunk of text.
string text = "your account email associated pankaj@gmail.com , has emailed someone@gmail.com."; pattern pattern = pattern.compile("[\\w]+[\\d\\w]*(@)[\\w]+[\\w\\d]*(\\.)[\\w]+"); matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text); while(matcher.find()){ system.out.println(matcher.group()); }
this should help.
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