javascript - how to use q promise 2.X with requirejs on jsfiddle? -


requirejs.config({   paths: {      'q' : '//' }});  require(['q'], function(q) {   console.log("in loaded callback");   console.log("q: %o", q);   return {}; }); 

fails with:

module name "weak-map" has not been loaded yet context: _. use require([]) file: require.min.js, line: 1, column: 1948 

see jsfiddle

however, works fine:

requirejs.config({   paths: {      'q' : '//' }}); 

i checked , found out q v2 experimental now. in source code can see has dependency following library

var weakmap = require("weak-map"); var iterate = require("pop-iterate"); var asap = require("asap"); 

and type of require/module import node/browserify. wont support require.js. per documentation:-

this q version 2 , experimental @ time. if install latest q npm, latest version 1 release train.

so better stick v1 @ point of time unless using in nodejs/browserify.


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