ruby on rails - Refreshing or updating partials -
so have 2 models. facilities , availability. each facility has many availabilities. on facilities page, have partial lists out availabilities current facility.
i'm trying allow crud operations on availabilities. delete works fine, through ajax , use jquery delete row in table.
i'm having trouble create , update. i'm able them remotely reflecting change without reloading page has stumped.
this partial looks like:
<tbody class="availabilitycontainer"> <% facility_availabilities?.each |a|%> <tr id="availability_<%= %>"> <td id="date_<%= %>"><%= a.start_time.strftime("%a, %b %d %y") %></td> <td id="time_<%= %>"><%= a.start_time.strftime("%i:%m %p") %> - <%= a.end_time.strftime("%i:%m %p") %></td> <td id="price_<%= %>"><%= number_to_currency a.price %></td> <td id="discount_<%= %>"><%= number_to_percentage, precision: 0 %></td> <td> <!-- purchase button --> <%= link_to("<i class='fa fa-shopping-cart'></i>".html_safe, "#", class:"btn btn-xs btn-success") %> <!-- edit button --> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#editavailability"><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></button> --> <%= link_to("<i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>".html_safe, edit_availability_path( , class:"btn btn-xs btn-primary", data:{toggle:"modal", target:"#editavailability"}, remote: true) %> <!-- delete button --> <%= link_to("<i class='fa fa-times'></i>".html_safe, availability_path(, method: :delete, class:"btn btn-xs btn-danger", remote: true) %> </td> </tr> <!-- load edit availability form --> <div class="modal fade" id="editavailability" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mymodallabel"></div> <% end %> </tbody>
i tried things in js:
// hide modal on update $("#editavailability").modal("hide"); // update view $("#availability_<%= %>").fadeout(500,function(){ currentitem = $(this) // new object database (should form i'm committed now) $.get('/availabilities/<%= %>', function (data){ // append new data table or refresh partial somehow }).done(function() { // update individual row , fade in? $("#availability_<%= %>").fadein(500) }) });
i think you've mixed 2 different approaches , confused because of it. first approach append row table after pure js request.
$.get("ajax_address", function(data){ $("<tr><td>you new row</td></tr>").appendto("#table_id"); }
you can chain animation effect appendto, like
second option in more rails way. create link remote: true
, write placement logic in js view (pretty same first solution callback function)
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