php - HTML Output from DB Issue -

i running ckeditor textarea wysiwyg field through htmlspecialchars() , dumping database.

i fetching field in database , it's outputting html screen. reason why outputting html , not utilizing html markup?

code data dump:

if (isset($_post['submit'])) {      $ticketbody = htmlspecialchars($_post['ticketbody']);      $sql = "insert tickets (ticket_text) values(:ticketbody)";     $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);     $stmt->bindparam(':ticketbody', $ticketbody, pdo::param_str);     $stmt->execute();  } 

looping through data

foreach ($rows $row) {     <?php echo $row['ticket_text']; ?> } 

screencast of output:

note: adding htmlspecialchars_decode echo statement works turns text white! i'm not sure why, either -

strip_tags() function doesn't work either.

use mysqli_real_scape_string instead of html_special_chars maintain html code anda specials chars while database keep safe, in next link can found documentation if this.

for security don't click here, never!!


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