php - How to get array of key from amazon s3 object -

i using amazon s3 v3 php sdk , trying key of object using

s3->listobjects([ 'bucket' => $somebucketname]); 

this function working fine , getting object under $somebucketname bucket , in below form

aws\result object (     [data:aws\result:private] => array         (             [istruncated] =>              [marker] =>              [contents] => array                 (                     [0] => array                         (                             [key] => 1.png                             [lastmodified] => aws\api\datetimeresult object                                 (                                     [date] => 2015-07-14 07:22:25.000000                                     [timezone_type] => 2                                     [timezone] => z                                 )                              [etag] => "23f423234v23v42424d23"                             [size] => 19980                             [storageclass] => standard                             [owner] => array                                 (                                     [displayname] => sfsfssfsdf                                     [id] => 242f2342242342252g42f42vt34                                 )                          )                      [1] => array                         (                             [key] => 58.jpg                             [lastmodified] => aws\api\datetimeresult object                                 (                                     [date] => 2015-07-14 07:20:26.000000                                     [timezone_type] => 2                                     [timezone] => z                                 )                              [etag] => "vrtet4v4t54tvt4gvtgv45"                             [size] => 1226694                             [storageclass] => standard                             [owner] => array                                 (                                     [displayname] => sfsfssfsdf                                     [id] => 34t3t3t3y43y4yg5yy4vg6u676                                 )                          )                      [2] => array                         (                             [key] => hdfhdfhdfhdfhfhfh                             [lastmodified] => aws\api\datetimeresult object                                 (                                     [date] => 2015-07-30 12:07:42.000000                                     [timezone_type] => 2                                     [timezone] => z                                 )                              [etag] => "3453345343rcf3f3r3r3f"                  )              [name] => sfssd             [prefix] =>              [maxkeys] => 1000             [@metadata] => array                 (                     [statuscode] => 200                     [effectiveuri] =>                     [headers] => array                         (                             [x-amz-id-2] =>  sdfsfs234sfs                             [x-amz-request-id] => hsjfsd899                             [date] => mon, 03 aug 2015 06:46:48 gmt                             [x-amz-bucket-region] => us-west-2                             [content-type] => application/xml                             [transfer-encoding] => chunked                             [server] => amazons3                         )                  )          )  ) 

now question how array of key below above object


aws\result implements arrayaccess. can access contents so:

$result = $s3->listobjects(['bucket' => $somebucketname]) $contents = $result['contents']; 


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