amazon web services - S3 and apache mod_proxy with basic authentication -
i'd redirect s3 bucket in ssl basic authentication of files (apk files) apache mod_proxy. ssl , mod_proxy work, basic authentication ignored. <virtualhost *:443> servername <filesmatch "\.apk$"> order deny,allow setenvif user-agent ".*android.*" allow_ag options followsymlinks allow env=allow_ag deny authtype basic authname "secret zone" authuserfile /etc/httpd/.htpasswd require user xxx_customer </filesmatch> sslengine on sslproxyengine on sslprotocol -all +sslv3 +tlsv1 sslciphersuite all:!adh:rc4+rsa:+high:+medium:-low:-sslv2:-exp sslcertificatefile conf.d/xxx.cer sslcertificatekeyfile conf.d/xxx.key sslcacertificatefile conf.d/xxx.cer proxypass / proxypa